Tuesday, May 13, 2008

by the power of the death star

for the last month or so, off and on again, my coworkers and i have been discussing the Star Wars movies. most of the times, we're nitpicking mr. lucas' lack of attention to details. but other times, we're sharing random thoughts and ideas concerning different aspects of the star wars universe.

one of my contributions was a suggestion on how the Death Star is able to get around the galaxies.

can you just imagine skiing behind this boat? motoring! what's your price for flight?


Rebels in Wait said...

amusingly, enough, I saw this right after reading Amano's latest blog where she talks about this foreign guy she knows who doesn't know Star Wars. She showed him a picture of Vader and we said, "I don't know." haha.

I have never wondered about the death star, personally, but the last time I saw them, I think I was like ten or something.

ANYWAY, you think Vader has a bunch of slaves with paddles and he's got a whip going, "ROW! ROW!" when they have to move? You never see the paddles in the movie, so maybe they were stationary the entire time in the films.

"That's no moon! It's a space station! Woo!" as stolen from rabbit from Twister who stole it from...Han? I forget.

geishaarmy said...

a giant row boat with slaves. i can see it! i wonder how many slaves and paddles they need to move that hulk. i can see vadar saying with conviction, "by the power of slaves and paddles can we move the death star."

and i believe that quote is from obi-wan.