Friday, June 20, 2008

my future husband died

a week ago, tim russert died. i've had this amusing crush on the man. he was my imaginary future husband. i'm heartbroken.
to refresh your memory of my make-believe marriage plans with the man...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

anyone need a dimebag?

as coworker JT has 200lbs of rice, and the prices of rice and other grains are escalating worldwide, it was decided at work that if JT should ever be strapped for cash, he could always sell rice by the cupful out of the trunk of his car.

maybe i should have stocked up on rice too. i could be selling dimebags of it too.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

200 pounds

so my coworker JT said he bought 200lbs of something, and i was to guess what he purchased. i took my time thinking, and our supervisor D joined the guessing game. SuprD asked if it was living, to which JT replied "it could be thought of as living." SuprD asked another question, "is it a vegetable," to which JT replied, "it could be considered a vegetable." with these clues in mind, i immediate took a guess. "you didn't buy a comatose patient, did you?"

JT said i've done it again. i agree. sometimes, i don't know where these thoughts come from.
but my second guess was correct. he bought a buttload of rice.